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TubaSummer, the Orchestra at Blossom and Four More Classical Music Events You Should Check Out This Week

This last week of July, you have a choice between indoor and al fresco events (may the weather gods smile on concerts in the great outdoors).
On Wednesday, July 27, the Kent/Blossom Music Festival wraps up its faculty concert series in Ludwig Recital Hall on the Kent State campus with chamber music featuring Cleveland Orchestra musicians Barrick Stees, bassoon, Frank Rosenwein, oboe, and Richard Weiss, cello, with KSU professor Jerry Wong, piano. Some unusual repertoire — Villa-Lobos’s Duo for Oboe and Bassoon, Willard Elliot’s Suite of Six French Songs of the 15th Century for oboe, bassoon, and piano, and George Rochberg’s Four Short Sonatas for piano — join Brahms’s e-minor Cello Sonata on the program.…

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